bring the Bible to life…
Be a Storyteller
People are animated by the story they believe they are living in. This means that its not enough to give your students religious knowledge—that’ll just make them better pharisees. Immerse yourself in the Story. Share it with your students. Capture their hearts.
Paradise Lost
The serpent stole our identity at the fall, and we’ve been searching for a story to live in since. Some people make up their own; some can’t see beyond the broken life they were born into. The Bible contains the only true Story.
The PRomise of Restoration
But God promised that a descendant of Eve would crush the head of the serpent and restore mankind to his place in God’s Story. We were promised a restored identity.
Many generations passed as God incrementally revealed His plan to crush the serpent and restore man to his identity as heir of creation and ruler over all things.

The head-crusher came, and by His death destroyed death and the enemy. In Him we find our identity as sons and daughters of God.

You Are Here

In the end, the garden will return as a garden city. The job of the Bible teacher is to cultivate in their students the truth that they are participants in the grand Story and citizens of that kingdom.